New Dale Premier Rocket League Logo.pngWoking Dales operator and founder of the M-League, Micronational Rocket League and the newly founded Dale Premier Rocket League, Danny Clarke, is insistent that the DPRL is not another MRL with only local rivals Cardinals being invited into the competition’s inaugural season and former MRL teams intentionally excluded with any new teams having to fall into 1 of 2 categories to qualify for the new competition.

Some would be forgiven for wondering where the news of the inclusion of former MRL teams such as Vertigo and Vyktory Dragons are, well, you won’t be hearing any news from them in the near future, if at all. As Woking Dales operator and de jure commissioner of the DPRL saying while the teams had no intention of joining a new league after the folding of the MRL last week, making the founding of the DPRL easier, they would likely have not met either of the two categories set out as the only ways to join the DPRL, intentionally excluding much of the world.

Category 1 – A local rival, currently only Woking Dales and Cardinals will compete in the league, this is because they’re local rivals and personal friends making a friendly and competitive atmosphere easy to create between the two teams, and if the league followed this ideal model there would be few teams outside of Woking, and none outside of the South East of England with the league limited solely to a national competition within the de jure defunct Dale Republic.

Category 2 – Would be by all definitions a franchise, the kind that would be seen in the United States of America, with only established teams, ideally with a fan base and with an ability to generate an income to create financial incentives within the league, turning the league to a semi-professional structure, more likely to encourage the teams to be competitive, a feature lacking in the purely amateur MRL, where winning and losing held no reward or consequence, and therefore no incentive to compete. This model would be effectively impossible for the DPRL to create and would be left to pure coincidence to occur. The league would also likely reject teams outside of Europe, regardless of their ability to meet this requirement because of the adverse impact on lag generated over long distances, a significant issue for international matches against the Micronational Rocket League’s UK, Israeli and Australian based teams.

Therefore, I wouldn’t be keeping an ear out for the DPRL’s great expansion or the typical names, if the unimaginable expansion occurs you may not recognize the names.

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